This FileMaker Certification Preparation course was created to provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to properly and productively study for and pass the exam. While we don't have any of the exam questions nor do we teach to the test, we extrapolate and expand on the information provided in the FileMaker Certification Study Guide.

Our videos utilize visual aids, engaging examples, and memory techniques to help you retain and recall the information during your exam. 

The FileMaker Certification Test Preparation course is divided into chapters that concisely cover all sections of the exam. 

We also offer the FileMaker Certification Sample Questions course that gives you access to 200 sample questions to help better prepare for the exam. 

Interested in a sampler? Have a look at the FREE overview course. This overview talks about why FileMaker certification is important, the benefits for developers, and how you should get started with your test preparation. 

Ready to get started? Purchase the FileMaker Certification Preparation course as a stand-alone course, add in the Sample Questions course if you want to quiz yourself, or get both when you purchase the University Bundle and gain access to all courses available through PCU. 

Full Exam Prep

The entire FileMaker Certification Exam Preparation series will cover the following sections of the exam, discussed and weighted appropriately for their significance on the test.

Defining Database Schema

This section covers details about the types of FileMaker fields and will demystify some of the confusing options for auto-entry, validation, storage, and indexing. Students will also learn specifics about components of the relationship graph and how to simplify complex relationships.

Building Layouts

In this section, all foundational elements of FileMaker are brought together in one place - fields, tables, relationships, charts, script triggers, buttons, panels, themes, formatting, and all of the tools to use them properly.

Working with Calculations

The “Working with Calculations” section of the course counts for up to 20% of the exam. This training includes over 50 sections covering the proper expression syntax, logic, and order of operations; the behavior and use of calculation functions; and the behavior and use of custom functions.

Working with Scripts

In the process of visually demonstrating over 35 script steps, this section covers scripting concepts of core algorithm techniques and scripting features, context, and the tools and techniques for troubleshooting scripts. Since a FileMaker solution can be controlled almost entirely with scripts, you can make or break a solution with superior or inferior scripting performance.

Securing FileMaker Systems

The security section of certification is all about understanding how to control “who can access what” at all levels of a solution including: opening the file locally or externally, accounts, privileges, extended privileges, encryption and much more.

Deploying FileMaker Systems

This section focuses on all aspects of FileMaker Server; from installation and configuration, monitoring and administrative tasks, to admin console features and backups. Additional details regarding WebDirect and FileMaker Go will also be covered.

Data Integration

This section covers the methods used to connect to external data sources; including details on the large assortment of options for Importing, Exporting, Save/Send Records As, Snapshot Links, Integrating with web services, External Data Sources, and the lesser known world of ODBC and ESS.
  • $299.00 / year

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Course Curriculum

(Select a box below to see all the lessons within each section)

    1. Defining Database Schema: Overview

    2. Defining Database Schema: FileMaker Go

    3. Defining Database Schema: Tables

    4. Defining Database Schema: Tables Default Fields

    5. OPTIONAL: Defining Database Schema: Default Fields Instructions

    6. Defining Database Schema: Adding New Fields to Tables

    7. Defining Database Schema: Field Types

    8. Defining Database Schema: Field Auto-Entry Options

    9. Defining Database Schema: Field Validation Options

    10. Defining Database Schema: Field Validation Question

    11. Defining Database Schema: Field Validation Order

    12. Defining Database Schema: Field Storage Options

    13. Defining Database Schema: Field Storage Options Question

    14. Defining Database Schema: Field Indexing

    15. Defining Database Schema: Relationships

    16. Defining Database Schema: Relationship Graph

    17. Defining Database Schema: Relationship Example 1

    18. Defining Database Schema: Relationship Example 2

    19. Defining Database Schema: Relationship Example 3a

    20. Defining Database Schema: Relationship Example 3b

    21. Defining Database Schema: Relationship Example 3c

    1. Building Layouts: Overview

    2. General Layout Information

    3. Context

    4. Layout Setup Dialogue Options

    5. Layout Parts

    6. Layout Fields

    7. Layout Portals

    8. Portals, Panels, and Popovers

    9. Portals and Panels Navigation

    10. Buttons, Bars, and Popovers

    11. Web Viewers

    12. Script Triggers Analysis

    13. Script Triggers Question

    14. Script Triggers Activation

    15. Layout Tools: Badges

    16. Tools: Objects Tab

    17. Conditional Formatting

    18. Styles and Themes

    19. Styles and Themes Priorities

    20. Styles and Themes Question 1

    21. Styles and Themes Question 2

    22. Charting Data Sources

    23. Charting Layout Part Placement

    24. Building Layouts Summary

    1. Working With Calculations: Overview

    2. Commenting

    3. Operators

    4. Custom Functions General Information

    5. Custom Function Examples

    1. Base64EncodeRFC ()

    2. Char ()

    3. Code ()

    4. Evaluate ()

    5. Execute SQL ()

    6. Filter ()

    7. FilterValues ()

    8. Get ( ActiveFieldContents )

    9. Get ( ActivePortalRowNumber )

    10. Get ( ActiveRecordNumber )

    11. GetContainerAttribute()

    12. Get ( CurrentTimestamp)

    13. Get ( DocumentsPath )

    14. GetField

    15. Get ( InstalledFMPlugins )

    16. Get ( LastError )

    17. Get ( LastExternalErrorDetail )

    18. Get ( PersistentID )

    19. Get ( RecordID )

    20. Get ( RecordNumber )

    21. Get ( ScriptParameter )

    22. Get ( ScriptResult )

    23. Get ( TriggerCurrentPanel )

    24. Get ( TriggerKeystroke )

    25. Get ( TriggerTargetPanel )

    26. GetValue ()

About this course

  • $179.00 / year
  • 232 lessons
  • 22 hours of video content

Course Reviews

5 star rating

Excellent course, incredibly helpful, great value for money.

Benedick Miller

The course is excellent. I highly recommend it to anyone considering taking the FileMaker Certification exams. It brings together the huge amount of material...

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The course is excellent. I highly recommend it to anyone considering taking the FileMaker Certification exams. It brings together the huge amount of material required to pass the exam in an easy to use format. The teaching is straight forward and clear. There is a mass of information here. The bottom line: I am convinced that the course helped me pass the exam. Well worth the money.

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5 star rating

I passed FileMaker Certification for both 17 & 18!

Jonn Howell

I recently took the coursework for FileMaker Certification, from Productive Computing University. Marc and Stu made this very approachable, easy to learn, a...

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I recently took the coursework for FileMaker Certification, from Productive Computing University. Marc and Stu made this very approachable, easy to learn, and assisted greatly where pure memorization was needed. This is not my first rodeo at certification. I am now certified on 9 different versions of FileMaker. Yet, this time I wanted make sure I had it down pat, and I thought I might learn a few new things along the way. Wow! This coursework made the whole process much easier and less stress inducing. I took my time, watching the videos from my iPad while traveling overseas, and practicing on my Macbook Pro. When I returned to the States, I passed both tests in short order, and did well on them. These two guys work together very well as a team, and they made it very enjoyable, while inspiring confidence in me throughout the entire process. Go PCU! Jonn Howell DataExperience, Inc. Certified FileMaker Developer

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5 star rating

High Quality Course and Well-Worth Investment!

Sarah Bruley

A five star course for sure! The course's intention statement is spot on... the streamlined study method did greatly enhance my level of understanding in key...

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A five star course for sure! The course's intention statement is spot on... the streamlined study method did greatly enhance my level of understanding in key areas of FileMaker and built my confidence in preparedness to take the 17 and 18 Certification exams. Marc and Stu are both excellent teachers! I had hovered at a score just above passing on all my (five) prior exams - I went into the exams nervous about whether I had studied correctly and enough, and came out "nervous" that I was so close to the passing score. I definitely felt more prepared going into the 17 and 18 exams and my higher scores reflected that I did in fact have a better understanding of the FileMaker Platform.

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5 star rating

To the Point

Sayed Bondok

Believe me exam taker, without seeing this course you'll never get the hidden meaning of lots of functions. studying function by reading or even practicing b...

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Believe me exam taker, without seeing this course you'll never get the hidden meaning of lots of functions. studying function by reading or even practicing by your own is boring! but with this way of teaching you'll like it....Thanks P.C. guys for your efforts....

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5 star rating

Great Course, Awesome Service, I PASSED!

Joanne Bell

A great, helpful and informative course. I didn't understand one section in functions, and I requested help. "U Tu Stu" responded, explained and even upda...

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A great, helpful and informative course. I didn't understand one section in functions, and I requested help. "U Tu Stu" responded, explained and even updated the course to cover my question! That is awesome service. Way to go Productive Computing!

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5 star rating


Christi Palme

Thanks for putting this course together it was helpful and I felt confident after finishing the course that I would pass the test which I then did. :-)

Thanks for putting this course together it was helpful and I felt confident after finishing the course that I would pass the test which I then did. :-)

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5 star rating

A great course... #PassedMyExam

Steve Slater

Stuart and Marc...thanks for this course. Ran through most of it at 2x speed, but it was just the ticket for prepping me for the exam, which I passed!

Stuart and Marc...thanks for this course. Ran through most of it at 2x speed, but it was just the ticket for prepping me for the exam, which I passed!

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5 star rating


Neal Frank

I am very pleased with the Cert Prep course. There is an enormous amount of information to go over and you all did a terrific job. I appreciated the effort, ...

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I am very pleased with the Cert Prep course. There is an enormous amount of information to go over and you all did a terrific job. I appreciated the effort, the humor, the tips for helping us remember. I am pleased to announce that I passed the exam and I am so grateful for this course. An area that I particularly needed help with was FileMaker Server and this course filled in a lot of holes in my knowledge.

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5 star rating

Finally Passed

Michael Mayrhofer

After seven years of developing with FileMaker Pro and multiple attempts at certification, I managed to finally pass thanks to this excellently put together ...

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After seven years of developing with FileMaker Pro and multiple attempts at certification, I managed to finally pass thanks to this excellently put together course. I would strongly recommend anyone who is interested in getting certified to study this course intently. Great job Marc and Stu!

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5 star rating

Excellent Material

Robert Jackson

This course provides a very useful insight to highlight and bridge any gaps in your FileMaker Developer skill set - very much appreciated the care taken here

This course provides a very useful insight to highlight and bridge any gaps in your FileMaker Developer skill set - very much appreciated the care taken here

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5 star rating


Pierre COLIN

Hello Stu and Marc, I took your course to prepare for my certification. Even if it was not yet complete, I studied the modules available and the rest from t...

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Hello Stu and Marc, I took your course to prepare for my certification. Even if it was not yet complete, I studied the modules available and the rest from the study guide, yesterday I passed the certification exam with a 76% (Pass = 59%)! I cannot thank you enough, I look forward to the next version of FileMaker and the next course! Thank you very much. Pierre

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5 star rating

Very thorough and clear

Gary Sprung

Marc does a great job of demonstrating FileMaker's various ODBC connection methods. This is stuff I have little need for in my own work, but it's important f...

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Marc does a great job of demonstrating FileMaker's various ODBC connection methods. This is stuff I have little need for in my own work, but it's important for the certification test, so it's super helpful.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which version of FileMaker does this course cover?

    The course was originally created using FileMaker 17 and 18. We have since updated it to be compatible with the latest certification test and Certification Guide from Claris. The course will continuously update to keep pace with the new versions of FileMaker and future tests as they are release

  • Do I have to take this course to pass the FileMaker Certification exam?

    No. However, it is our experience and belief that this course significantly reduces the necessary study time and increases the overall retention rate of all of the information studied, which gives you a better return on investment of your time spent.

  • Why should I get certified?

    Getting certified means different things to different people but we've come up with the main reasons why a person benefits from any kind of certification, especially FileMaker Certification! First, you immediately gain credibility and increase your marketability. This potentially increases your chances for a promotion or advancement, a chance to earn more money, and employers typically like employees who show effort. There's also a great deal of personal satisfaction that can come from enhancing your professional development by gaining new skills and knowledge. Finally, certification can give you the edge if you're selling yourself as an independent consultant.

  • Is the course really worth the investment?

    We believe so. Our own personal experience (and confirmed by many students) is that the structure and presentation style significantly decrease the time it would take to wade through the official study guide resources on our own without the guidance of the videos. In addition, being a FileMaker Certified Developer not only makes you more employable and attractive to new clients, but also ensures that you know the entire platform on a deeper level with increased skills needed to handle more complex projects.


This course assumes the following prerequisites:

  1. You have access to a recent model computer that runs Windows or Macintosh operating systems and access to an iOS device.

  2. You have a licensed copy of version 19 of FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Server

  3. You understand basic FileMaker terminology and you are familiar with all aspects of the FileMaker platform - FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Go, FileMaker Server, and FileMaker WebDirect.

Course Disclaimer

Simply watching this course does not guarantee passing of the FileMaker Certification exam.

Mastery of the necessary skills requires attentive engagement and additional individual action to validate comprehension.

The viewer is responsible for their own ability to demonstrate the knowledge learned to pass the exam.

Your Instructors

Instructional Design Specialist Stuart Hite

Stuart has been developing software for over 30 years, starting long before earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science in 1992. For over 14 years, he was the primary in-house FileMaker developer and the top nationwide instructor for a large education organization. He has been featured in hundreds of live and online courses on many different topics. He now gets to combine his passion for teaching and love of software development into one. “I love breaking down complex projects into simple tangible concepts in a fun way. Knowing that the student is going to be able to accomplish so much more in less time after my course brings a lot of fulfillment.” - Stuart Hite, Instructional Design Specialist, Productive Computing, Inc.

President/CEO/Founder Productive Computing, Inc. Marc Larochelle

Starting in 1991, Marc worked for the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) for 5 years and built the trade show database in FileMaker which tracked 1000 exhibitors and 12 football fields worth of exhibit space. NAMM is one of the world’s largest trade shows and FileMaker was keeping track of everything. While at NAMM, Marc taught computer classes at night helping users with their Macintosh, MS Word, Excel, etc. In addition, he taught music/multimedia classes at local community colleges. Marc Larochelle and his brother Keith started Productive Computing, Inc. (PCI) in 1996. The company, now in its twenty-seventh year, serves customers who use Claris FileMaker and QuickBooks in the areas of custom development, solutions, plug-ins, hosting, and licensing. Marc is certified in FileMaker versions 7 through 19, and he also holds two certifications in AWS (Amazon Web Services). Marc has been to 19 FileMaker DevCon/Engage conferences (18 as an exhibitor) and is considered a prime instructor and influencer within the Claris FileMaker community. 

Prepare Yourself for FileMaker Certification

Use this course to prepare yourself to pass the FileMaker Certification exam as quickly as possible!