What You Can Expect

  • Smart Integration

    Learn how to properly integrate FileMaker with QuickBooks Online. Avoid costly mistakes with online training.

  • Crucial Skills

    Develop skills for Mac, Win, and FileMaker Server integrations and learn proper QuickBooks terminology.

  • Efficient Learning

    This course is the most effective and efficient way to learn how to master the FM Books Connector Online plug-in.

Course Overview and Benefits

Watch to learn more

Course Curriculum

(Select a box below to see all the lessons within each section)

    1. Welcome!

    2. Course Overview

    3. About Stuart Hite / Productive Computing

    4. How To Use This Course

    5. Important: Watch this lesson if you are using FileMaker Pro Advanced 17 or Higher

    6. Course Version History

    1. Clear End Result

    2. Working With the Documentation

    3. Using the QuickBooks Online Documentation

    4. Two Methods, Same Result

    5. The First Script You Must Have

    6. Summary and Homework

    7. Sample FileMaker QuickSilver File

    1. Understanding Sessions

    2. Begin Session Script

    3. Begin Script Completion

    4. Initial Connection with Mac

    5. Initial Connection with Windows

    6. Initial Connection with Server

    7. Load Session Script

    8. Load Session Test

    9. Access Areas

    10. Understanding Communication

    11. Sample FileMaker QuickSilver File

    1. The General R-ead Process

    2. R-ead Script Part 1

    3. R-ead Script Part 2

    4. R-ead Script Testing

    5. R-ead Script Duplication

    6. R-ead Summary

    7. Sample QuickSilver FileMaker File

    1. The General U-pdate Process

    2. U-pdate Script Created

    3. U-pdate Script Tested

    4. U-pdate Script Duplicated

    5. U-pdate Summary and Homework

    6. U-pdate QuickSilver Sample FileMaker File

About this course

  • $149.00 / year
  • 63 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content
  • $299.00 / year

    Entire University Bundle

    Gain access to all PCU courses with a subscription to the bundle.
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I really need to take this course to learn how to use the FM Books Connector Online plug-in?

    No. In fact, many people have learned how to perform integrations between FileMaker and QuickBooks Online using the FM Books Connector Online plug-in just by using our free tools such as the documentation and demo files. However, this course was created to significantly save you time - especially if you've never done anything like this before. This course will track your progress and train you step-by-step, even if this is your first time using a plug-in. There are a great many people who prefer to learn by way of video training versus reading the documentation​ or reverse engineering demo files. We see this method of training as a growing trend on how people prefer (and now expect) to learn.

  • Does this course cover how to migrate an integration from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online?

    Yes. There is a section that points out the key highlights of the Migration Guide documentation. If you are familiar with QuickBooks desktop integrations, this may be all that is needed to spot the differences. The primary focus of the course is mastering integration with the online version of the plug-in, whether or not you are familiar with the desktop version.

  • I already know how to use the FM Books Connector Online, why would I be interested in this course?

    ​If you've done several integrations with the FM Books Connector Online, you may find this course more of a review and less of a revelation. However, there are foundation knowledge points that will be covered and even for the most experienced integrator, there are things to be learned (and​ better understood) by taking this course.

  • I just started with FileMaker, will I succeed with this course?

    We recommend that you know how to work with relationships and scripts before signing up. There are plenty of courses online to learn FileMaker. This course is designed for the intermediate to advanced FileMaker developer, ​but it's not required that you know anything about plug-ins.

  • Do I need to purchase the FM Books Connector Online plug-in prior to joining this course?

    You could take the course using nothing more than a 30-day demo of the FM Books Connector Online plug-in. However, it would be far more convenient to use a fully licensed version of the FM Books Connector Online. Ultimately, any user who plans on doing QuickBooks Online integrations from their own desktop will need a fully licensed version of the plug-in. Note: the demo expires after 30 days and also becomes disabled 2 hours of continuous use. You can reset the hourly clock by quitting FileMaker and getting back in.

  • I am familiar with developing FileMaker solutions with QuickBooks Desktop. Why would I need a course to learn about integrating FileMaker with QuickBooks Online?

    I need a course to learn about integrating FileMaker with QuickBooks Online? Being familiar with the desktop version of QuickBooks will certainly help decrease the learning curve for the Online version. However, while there are some similarities, there are a few very important differences between programming for the Desktop and Online versions. You may be able to understand the differences by thoroughly reading the Migration Guide as well as the Developer’s Guide and Functions Guide. We believe the course is the fastest way to master all of the material.

  • Will this course have updates?

    Yes. Updates will be added for any future modifications in the QuickBooks or FileMaker processes that require a change in the plug-in processes. Requests from the community for specific additional topics will also be considered.

  • Why is this course a yearly subscription instead of a one-time fee for life?

    This course will be updated and improved as necessary or as new features are added to the plug-in. Between new versions of FileMaker, the operations systems, and the FM Books Connector Online plug-in itself, there are always going to be items to update and refresh. In addition to the updates, we plan to continue to add content and explore additional areas of QuickBooks Online that FileMaker can communicate with by adding modules. We realize that some will want to keep their subscription renewed every year for the reasons just mentioned, while others may not renew.​

  • Does this course cover Mac, Windows and Server integration?

    Yes. The entire process is very similar for each. The notable differences are covered where applicable in the flow of integration.


  1. You have a working copy of FileMaker Pro Advanced 17 or higher

  2. You have a working server with FileMaker Server 17 or higher installed

  3. You are using a compatible Windows or Mac computer and server

  4. You have installed the FM Books Connector Online Plug-in for QuickBooks Online

  5. You have access to QuickBooks Online in one of the following flavors: Simple Start, Essentials, or Plus. The course uses both a sandbox and live account of QuickBooks Online Plus. There is a section in the course that covers how to get a free trial account for QuickBooks Online if you do not already have an account with them.

  6. You have at least an intermediate knowledge of FileMaker to the point you can create fields, layouts, relationships, portals, calculations, and scripts. Much of this course will have us building files, scripts layouts and such from scratch but those parts where we build FileMaker schema will go by quickly. In other words, this course will not show you how to use FileMaker but rather how to take what you already know about FileMaker and apply that to using the FM Books Connector Online plug-in and making connections to QuickBooks Online. There are many online courses available to learn FileMaker if you need to learn that first.

  7. A basic knowledge of QuickBooks Online and/or accounting is helpful but NOT required to have success with this course. We have chapters set up to show you the basics of QuickBooks - certainly enough to get you started and to do successful integrations. Since every integration will likely be unique, the exact connection specifications between FileMaker and QuickBooks entities will be entirely dependent on the needs of you and your client.

Your Instructor

Instructional Design Specialist Stuart Hite

Stuart has been developing software for over 30 years, starting long before earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science in 1992. For over 14 years, he was the primary in-house FileMaker developer and the top nationwide instructor for a large education organization. He has been featured in hundreds of live and online courses on many different topics. He now gets to combine his passion for teaching and love of software development into one. “I love breaking down complex projects into simple tangible concepts in a fun way. Knowing that the student is going to be able to accomplish so much more in less time after my course brings a lot of fulfillment.” - Stuart Hite, Instructional Design Specialist, Productive Computing, Inc.

Expertly connect FileMaker to QBO

Develop the necessary skills to professionally integrate FileMaker and QuickBooks Online